Our Services

Resume Building

We will work with you to put together your expertly written resume which will set you apart from other applicants. Utilizing an eye for design, keywords, and ATS compliant formatting, you will see an increase in interview requests.

Prior to us starting your resume building process, expect to have a 30 minute phone consultation. This will help us get a better understanding of you, your skills, and your previous work experience. What sets us apart is our ability to dig deeper and draw out more details to highlight your career success on paper.

Good resumes tell a story!

Interview Preparation

Everyone can read a company website and regurgitate the information back in the interview process, but how do you stand out?

The Interview Preparation service consists of 2 meetings. The first meeting will be 60 minutes covering proven interview preparation methods. You will have a clear understanding of where to start, where to focus your efforts, and how to position your skills.

The second meeting is 60 minutes and consists of a mock interview with feedback on positioning, cadence, and delivery of your story.

You will come out of this significantly more confident and prepared with skills to help you for years to come.

Salary Negotiation

Congratulations! You’ve received an offer!

Frankly Hired will sit down with you, review your offer letter, help you understand every detail, questions to ask, and areas to negotiate

This step is extremely important because all of your future raises will be based on where you start.

Full Service

Our Full Service option is for those that want to partner with a coach throughout the entire process. From the moment that you begin your job search, we will help build your resume, connect as frequently as needed throughout your interview process to make sure you are prepared for every round, and make sure you get the best offer possible.